The years between 2008 and 2012 were terrifying for me. I had no money, no home, and eventually lost my car, my credit, and my health. I survived. When I look back, and believe me, I don’t like to very often, I wonder how I survived it all? Even my friends watched with stunned awareness, and one even said “your life should be a movie!” I said “maybe, but it would be so scary nobody would watch it.”
So how did I grow thru this experience? What did I learn to do when I had no hope, no clue, no money, no direction, and no answers? Well, here’s an example of what all those years taught me to do. First, I’ll set up a scenario for you, and then I’ll tell you what I did.
It was through a divine course of events in 2010; I was offered a lovely day apartment in the tony Eastmoreland section of Portland. The rent was free. I was able to come and go, and the only request was that I would check in on the woman who lived upstairs and owned the house. What a blessing… After one year, she sold her house, and I had to vacate the great apartment. I was stunned when she told me because it came as a real surprise. So when I was told “you have to be out in three weeks,” I was in shock, but this time I knew what to do. I sat down on the couch and did NOTHING. I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I felt fear arise and get bigger and bigger. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I breathed…and relaxed…and said out loud “God, you’re going to have to handle this because I don’t have any idea what to do, where to go, or how to make it happen.” I was on unemployment that was a pittance and wouldn’t even cover a rental deposit, much less rent. So I just sat. And I sat. Another hour went by, and I just sat. Finally, my phone rang. It was my friend Carla who lives in Hillsboro, OR. She said “you know, David and I have a spare bedroom and we want you to come live with us. We need a little help, and it would only make sense for you to agree to our offer.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I said “how did you know I have got to make a move now? Yes, I will take you up on your offer!” She said “the only thing is we don’t have any room to store what won’t fit in your bedroom, so you’ll want to find a storage unit or pod. Also, you are to eat all your meals with us.” When we hung up the phone, I sat in total silence. I was blown away by their generosity and by how fast God jumped into action. I was gobsmacked. About thirty-minutes later the phone rang again. This time it was my friends, Jan and Ray. Jan said “we’re out with our pickup on your side of town. We want you to store all of your stuff in our walk-in attic. There’s space for a whole house up there, and it’s yours as long as you need it. We’re on our way right now to pick up your first load.” I said, “HOW did you know?” She said “well, the time just seemed right.” Within thirty minutes they pulled up, and we loaded several boxes into their truck. I followed them to their house, and I marveled, wow, God was moving me! I didn’t even have to plan it. How amazing this all was because neither of these two couples knew each other — it was a totally synchronistic day! Doors opened for me that I didn’t know even existed! I got back to Eastmoreland, and I cried happy tears, with much gratitude, for all the help that appeared without my trying. Another miracle! Yes, I cannot doubt that a Guiding Hand watches over me.
Since October 2002, when I heard God speak to me in Sedona, Arizona, I knew I could trust the messages. God had said, in a clear voice that came from outside of me, “Be not afraid. Lo, I am with you always. You are never alone.” Once again, I was grateful to experience that message and to know I was going to be okay. Since then I’ve been tested many times. When I stop trying to control outcomes, and trust the Power that knows the way, that leaves space for some beautiful surprises to appear!
I accepted your invitation to begin reading cwo and am blown away by your writing, raw truths, and self awakening.
Thanks, Melinda. I’ve thought of you so many times, especially the times when we skipped Sunday School! That was where the groundwork for getting “cracked” began. I’d love to hear about your journey some day. Xx
Hi Lynn
I love your vulnerability and truth in sharing.
Hi Cherie! Thanks, there were some painful and embarrassing times, but lessons were learned. Hey, happy new year to you! Xx Lynn
How is it that I am just now finding out about your blog? Must be perfect timing! I am LOVING this! Thank you for generously sharing….I will be sharing this. It comes into my life in a time when I feel so many people can be lifted up from the tension. You are a treasure!
Thank you so much, Juli.