In 2008, I came down with congestive heart failure caused by the flu. There’s a real long story behind all of that but for now, just know, I am one of the 3% of folks who survive it. Much gratitude here! In order to recuperate, I gratefully accepted the profoundly kind offer of my friends, Carla and Brian, of Sacramento, to come live with them. You see, for my health, I had to leave a job I loved in the high mountains of New Mexico and move to sea level immediately. I mention this because I essentially dropped out of life in just about every arena upon doing that. Not only did I lose my health but I lost my sense of self….of what makes me happy….and all direction and sense of purpose for my life. You could say I hit rock bottom in all regards. Since 2010, when I was able to start working again, I have bumbled along from one unsatisfactory low paying job to another….until now.
Two months ago I came home from a job that was sucking the life blood out of me. I sat down and thought what in the world am I going to do? I cannot stand another day! I sat, and I sat. After an hour or two, I looked on Craigslist for a job. Before I started, I quickly scanned a passage in a book that said we should do what we love no matter what. I thought about how I had previously felt it was important to have a “position” rather than a job. So what was it that I loved to do? Swim. Be with friends. Read. Have adventures. Drive. Ah ha! Drive! I looked on Craigslist under “Transport” and, voila’; there was an advertisement for a courier job that looked appealing. I dashed off a cover letter, attached my resume, and was very surprised when later that day I was invited to come in to talk about the position. I got hired on the spot.
It’s hard to admit that there was a time when my ego would have felt that being a courier just wasn’t highfalutin enough for me. But when looking at the opportunity from the viewpoint of what I enjoy doing, it was perfect. I dropped the insane thought of what will other people think, and I just did it! I have been driving a lot the last two months, and it has been stress-free and enjoyable. I’m an independent contractor which is the way I like to work, and it’s the way I’ve been the most successful in the past. An added plus is that my income is dependent on my efforts, and I can work like a horse!
In closing, here are quotes from Ray Bradbury and Alan Watts:
“I want your loves to be multiple. I don’t want you to be a snob about anything. Anything you love, you do it. It’s got to be with a great sense of fun…. It’s not work. If it’s work, stop and do something else.” —Ray Bradbury
“Better to have a short life; that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way!” —Alan Watts
Ray Bradbury’s speech on YouTube titled “An Evening with Ray Bradbury” is enjoyable :
Website recommendation for the ever curious:
Book recommendation: Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow by Marsha Sinetar.
Very enlightening Lynn! I am so glad you found yourself. It is amazing how far we have to reach inside ourselves and experience many walks of life before we are able to be content and peaceful inside.
Glad you’re enjoying! Thank YOU!